Logistic Data
LSA generates a large amount of data to management the data a database was developed called the LSAR Logistic support analysis Record this is also referred to as the LIR Logistic information repository,
with the development of the product data models PDMs much of the data which is required in the LIR is held in the PDM, however, the aim of the LSAR/LIR is to hold the support related data for the system.
THE LSAR/LIR provides a uniform, organised and flexible database where engineering data and logistics data are married together to define all system characteristics. Another aspect of the LSAR is to hold the support infrastructure data, so if a particular tool is identified for a maintenance task and it is not in the list of available tools the requirement for a new tool is immediately flagged up, the same is for facilities, skills etc. by knowing what is existing and available the differences can be identified very easily. This is something that is overlooked by having the existing infrastructure listed any differences in size, capacity or load bearing capability can be identified,
There are several proprietary databases available all follow the same basic data model and the database suppliers have added many additional functions which uses the data held in the database.
The LSAR/LIR as a common database, the database holds a variety of data elements which describe the equipment or part. The list of data elements has developed and grown over the years the data covers the simple stuff like the length, width, height and weight to what tools are required to carryout maintenance.
The most recent list of data elements is the Data Element Dictionary, as part of Def Stan 00-60, there are well over 600+ different date elements to choose from. The data elements cover;
The structure of the system,
What is fitted to what
and what equipment is fitted to what variant
Part numbers
Who does the work
Maintenance allocation chart
Skills levels
SMR coding
What needs to be done
Functional requirements
Trade off analysis
RCM logic
What is required for maintenance
Lists of tools
Test equipment
Where is the work done
Level of repair
Depot support plan
SMR coding
Facilities requirement
How is the work done
Task procedures
When is the work done
Maintenance intervals
RCM (on Condition)
Procedures and schedules
Bringing all this data into a single database provides the linkage from how a system can fail to the rationale for the maintenance task and where that maintenance task is undertaken. it also enables the impact of change or increased knowledge to be applied to the support solution.
There are just a few things to remember
It is the (LSAR/LIR) as a common data base which does more to integrate the efforts of the various specialities than any other single tool. The data is often available in engineering databases, but this data is not often pulled together into a single picture for a complete system or a system of systems.
Proper tailoring of the LSA/LSAR tasks is essential to having a cost effective programme with useful results.
Properly performed LSA/SA is a cost saver improperly performed it’s a cost generator. The early projects to apply ILS and LSA took filling the database as a priority rather than the correct focused analysis. this is where ILS and LSA has gain the reputation for costing rather than saving money
Remember that the reports you get out are only as good as the data you put in.
I hope you have found this interesting and useful, the next in the series is Life Cycle Costing
Thank you for watching goodbye.